Orders are processed within 4-6 business days before shipping. For domestic (U.S.) orders, standard shipping typically takes 3-5 business days after processing. For international orders, delivery times vary based on location and customs processing but generally take 3-8 weeks. Tracking details will be provided once the order ships.
Check your spam or junk folder first. If it’s not there, the email address may have been entered incorrectly at checkout. To update your details, email orders@prayingrabbit.com with the correct information.
Orders that haven’t shipped yet can be canceled. Email orders@prayingrabbit.com with your name and order number to request a cancellation.
If the order hasn’t shipped, product changes may be possible. Email orders@prayingrabbit.com with your order number and the correct product details as soon as possible.
Size changes depend on availability. If your order is still processing, email orders@prayingrabbit.com with your order number and the requested size.
Once an order is placed, additional items can’t be added. A new order must be created for extra items.
If the order hasn’t shipped, email orders@prayingrabbit.com with your order number and new address to request an update.
A tracking email will be sent once the order ships. Click the tracking link to check the latest shipping status. Tracking updates may take 24-48 hours to appear.
Some orders are flagged for security reasons. If verification is required, an email will be sent to confirm details before processing.
We accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay, Amazon Pay, Shop Pay, and select cryptocurrencies.
Yes, as long as they are issued by major banking networks and authorized for international transactions.
Yes, prepaid gift cards from major credit card companies can be used at checkout like a regular credit card.
We currently accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cronos. Select the cryptocurrency option at checkout for the full list of available currencies.
Only one payment method can be used per order, except when combining a Praying Rabbit gift card with another form of payment.
Yes. Our site uses SSL encryption and secure payment processing to keep your information private and protected.
Check that your card details (expiration date, CVV, and available funds) are correct. If the issue persists, contact your bank or try another payment method.
Yes. Use the currency dropdown on our website to select your preferred currency. Your final payment will be processed accordingly.
Sales tax is applied based on your shipping address and will be included at checkout if applicable.
A receipt is automatically emailed after purchase. If you need another copy, email orders@prayingrabbit.com.
Returns are accepted for domestic orders within 14 days of delivery. Items must be in their original, unworn condition. To start a return, email orders@prayingrabbit.com to receive a prepaid return label. Once we receive and inspect the return, a full refund will be issued to your original payment method. International returns are not accepted.
Sale items are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged. Be sure of your selection before purchasing discounted merchandise.
To exchange an item, follow the standard return process for the original item. Once the return is processed, place a new order for the desired item. Exchanges are handled as separate transactions.
If your order arrives damaged or incorrect, email orders@prayingrabbit.com with a photo of the issue. We’ll send a replacement at no cost—no need to return the defective or incorrect item.
A prepaid return label is provided for domestic orders. Original shipping costs are non-refundable.
Refunds are processed within 3-7 business days after the returned item is received and approved. The funds will be credited to your original payment method.
You’ll receive an email notification once your return is processed and the refund is initiated.
All Praying Rabbit orders are shipped from our warehouse in Jurupa Valley, California.
Orders are processed within 4-6 business days before shipping. Standard shipping typically takes 3-5 business days after leaving our warehouse, depending on your location.
Yes, we ship to most international destinations. Available shipping options for your country will be shown at checkout.
International orders are shipped via USPS First-Class Mail International, which typically takes 3-8 weeks to arrive. Customs processing times may cause additional delays. Expedited shipping is not available for international orders.
Customs fees, import duties, and taxes vary by country and are determined by local regulations. These charges are the buyer’s responsibility and must be paid upon delivery if required. Check with your local customs office for details.
At this time, we only offer standard shipping. Expedited shipping is not available.
Once your order ships, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. Click the tracking link to check the latest shipping status. Tracking updates may take 24-48 hours to appear.
Yes, but tracking is limited once the package leaves the U.S. Further updates depend on the destination country’s postal service.
If your package is lost or arrives damaged, contact us at orders@prayingrabbit.com. We’ll work with the carrier to resolve the issue and ensure you receive your order.
Yes, we ship to PO boxes and military addresses. However, delivery times may be longer for APO/FPO addresses.
Sometimes, carriers mark packages as delivered before they arrive. Check with neighbors, building management, or your local post office. If your package is still missing, contact orders@prayingrabbit.com for further assistance.